Understanding the Energy Bill (Free Market)

After talking about how to decipher all the components of the energy bill for a consumer belonging to the PVPC, we want to talk about the free market. The structure of its invoices differs with respect to the PVPC. Although there are some concepts that must be...

Tariff of Last Resort: Is it convenient for you?

Faced with the avalanche of requests that marketers are receiving from users wishing to switch to the TUR tariff, many consumers are wondering whether it is really a viable alternative to conventional gas tariffs. What advantages does it offer us?

Understanding the energy bill (PVPC)

According to the OCU, only 11% of consumers fully understand all the sections of their electricity bill. Many do not even know whether they belong to the free or regulated market (PVPC). Therefore, from gemweb we want to help you to decipher all the...

Energy trends for 2023

Undoubtedly, one of the star topics at the Christmas meetings will be the energy situation we have been going through for the past two years. Price instability continues to affect large and small consumers alike. Therefore, from gemweb...

Summary of legislative changes in the energy sector

Sometimes, the constant changes in energy regulations can be overwhelming to regulate the work of municipal energy managers. Therefore, we at gemweb would like to help you with a clear and concise chronology that shows you the measures that have been...

New government package of measures for energy efficiency

The Government has approved a package of urgent measures in search of energy efficiency. Its objective is to comply with the commitment to reduce gas consumption by 7%, as requested by the European Union. Among the set of measures, the most important are the regulation of the...

Efficient energy contracting

Getting the most beneficial energy contracting conditions is one of the main responsibilities of a municipal energy manager. Dealing with the terms and conditions of energy suppliers can be a tedious and time-consuming process. If you are looking to streamline these...

Digitized invoice verification

Municipal energy managers spend a large part of their workday reviewing an endless number of energy bills. Sometimes, this process is not as agile as it could be. For this reason, we would like to explain the advantages of performing this management...

Advantages of energy digitalization

Go digital as a priority in your municipal energy management! Efficiently managing the supplies of a city council is a challenge. Therefore, at gemweb we focus on offering a comprehensive digitized solution to achieve it. Thanks to...



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