Municipal energy management

We transform municipal energy billing management into an effective and economical strategy. Discover our customized solutions for municipal supply management and get guaranteed savings thanks to our software.

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Municipal energy management

Gemweb offers integrated and specialized solutions designed specifically for municipalities, transforming challenges into opportunities:

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Efficient invoice management

Gemweb efficiently handles the volume of invoices, simplifying their administration and analysis.

Adaptation to regulatory changes

Our platform is constantly updated, ensuring that municipalities are kept up to date with regulations and billing changes.

Simplification of energy tariffs

Gemweb deciphers the complexity of tariffs, providing clarity and understanding for better decision making.

Effective invoice validation

We implement advanced systems for accurate invoice validation, eliminating uncertainties and errors.

Control of cost overruns and irregular consumption

We identify and mitigate unnecessary expenses, optimizing the budget and avoiding abnormal consumption.

Optimization of resources and time

We maximize the efficiency of available time and resources, facilitating more effective energy management.

Proactive response to energy cost increases

Faced with a significant increase in energy costs, Gemweb implements strategies to reduce and control these expenses.

Gemweb's specialized consulting:

A support in your energy management

At Gemweb we offer a comprehensive response in the management and control of energy and water billing. Our customized approach for each municipality ensures that specific needs are met with effective and efficient solutions.

Our technical experts in energy and municipal energy management will be a key support for day-to-day operations.

Including different services such as:

Energy bill validation and management service.

ATR Service, to provide support in the different procedures with the marketing companies.

Continuous energy advisory service.

What does Gemweb offer?

Specialized software: Effective tools for data collection and analysis.

A network of more than 500 municipalities: An ecosystem of shared solutions, experiences and knowledge.

0% Savings

Proven savings: Decrease of 10-15% in the annual energy bill, reaching up to 45% in specific cases.


Experience working in the energy sector, making energy management easier and more efficient.

Why choose Gemweb?


A single online platform: All energy information in one place.

We help you reduce CO2 emissions: Contributing to municipal sustainability.
Achieve efficiency in administrative management: Time savings and resource optimization.
Municipal supply database: Leveraging collective knowledge for continuous improvement.
Profitability assured: Get with Gemweb savings that exceed the costs of our service.
Some municipalities that

They already trust Gemweb

Try the most advanced solution to optimize your energy management


Gemweb has the most complete and reliable analysis tools and automated repository of energy and water information, to facilitate massive, updated and detailed data management, reducing time in repetitive tasks and minimizing the costs of demand and generation of each supply.



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